Jesus’ Friends: Tax Collector

Calling Matthew

Casting Crowns has a song, titled Jesus Friend of Sinners, I really like because it points out how quickly we become judge and jury of others after being forgiven so much. The song cries out for our hearts to break for what breaks the heart of Christ.


Easter and tax season come together each year! Do those two things even belong in the same sentence??? The answer from the throne of God is “YES!” And He proves it with the calling of a tax collector to be in His inner circle. Matthew, the Jew, the tax collector, the hated one is called by Jesus to follow Him. The “church leaders” of the day, the Pharisees, ask Jesus the pointed question of “what are you thinking?” (Matthew 9:11) Matthew, also known as Levi the son of Alphaeus, (Mark 2:14, Luke 5:27-29) heard the question. He records the experience in the gospel he wrote bearing his name, Matthew. The one hated becomes the writer of Jesus’ earthly biography. Jesus pointedly answers in a way I don’t imagine felt good to Matthew, the tax collector. He said, “I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Jesus had asked Matthew to follow Him, Matthew did, and now Jesus is calling him a sinner. WHAT?! “I gave up my lucrative life to follow You and now You are telling these preachers You agree with them that I am scum?” And Jesus was in Matthew’s house, eating his food, and in front of his peers! Did Jesus forget His “home training?”


Jesus time on earth was very limited. He knew His “expiration date.” He did not have time to “tiptoe through the tulips.” He measured every word spoken to have the greatest impact. It was so impactful three of the four gospel writers share the same story nearly word for word.


We are all taxed. We are all sinners. We are all hated by someone for something. We all want to be better than we are. We all need a Savior. Jesus came to give us what we need: forgiveness and a new life. Jesus points out succinctly the ones who follow Him know they are in need and He has the answer. Those who think they have it all together are swinging swords of hurtful words and pointing fingers in judgement. Jesus did not get along with the “got it all togetherers.” In fact, He told them off, politely, of course.

Do you like your tax man? Mine is my cousin and this year, my tax bill was a higher than normal and the cost of filing goes up every year (the man has to make a living, right?) Do I stop being a client because he was doing his job?

Jesus Calls us to what He wants to do through us.

Jesus had a tax man in His group of special friends. The tax man became one of His scribes. He kept notes of the Master’s activities. He was not the keeper of the purse. Does this surprise you? Money was his expertise. Jesus gave this job to Judas. Jesus rarely calls us to what WE are good at; He calls us to what He wants to do through us. He needed Matthew to write to the Jewish person who believed Jesus was the Messiah: A chosen few in the beginning. Matthew opened doors for Jesus to speak to others like himself (tax collectors and sinners). Jesus strategically chose His twelve for the present and the future. Matthew is still calling Jews to Jesus.

We can learn from our friend Levi: “Open hearts and open doors.” Share a meal, share Christ. “Let the stones fall from our hands.”


In the newly released four part drama series The Chosen ( Jesus is seen through the eyes of Matthew, the tax collector, with eye opening clarity. We need to let others see Jesus in us; What they will see are lives changed. Luke 19:8 records another tax collector’s heart change and the actions it prompted when he met Jesus. Could it be the change in Matthew was what brought Zacheus to his change of heart? Friends of Jesus are transparent so Jesus can shine through.

Casting Crowns sings others are “headed to Jesus but they are tripping over me.” I pray this ends in me today. Lord, please trip me so I fall flat on my face if I do anything that causes another to stumble on their way to YOU! Keep me out of the way. Let me only help make the path to You smooth and straight. Make me transparent.

Casting Crowns- Jesus,Friend of Sinners

Jesus, Friend of Sinners by Casting Crowns

Additional reading:

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About Yvonne Jones

I am at heart, a LIFEguard: "big" sister, mama, grandmother, aunt, friend, swimming coach, lifeguard trainer, and registered nurse. I am in the business of alleviating fear through education and lots of hand holding. As a swimming instructor, I have taught people of all ages to overcome fear of the water and I marvel as fear gives way to fearlessness, as panic turns to pure joy, as tears dissolve into giggles of glee, and pennies retrieved from the bottom of the abyss become trophies. As a nurse, I have been privileged to walk up to Heaven's gate as patients and family are welcomed home, witnessed the miracle of birth, helped mend broken hearts, and cared for the elderly as they wait. Scriptures number one admonition is "fear not." Question is HOW??? The Word becomes our swimming instructor and can help us learn to "tread water til Jesus comes." Something my students often thought I was going to make them do! So welcome to my pool! Jump in the cool water. Let it refresh your soul and feel the unseen hands of the Master Lifeguard lift you up and out of the deep water. Who knows, you just might even walk on water!

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