Be Prepared


Prepare to worship

Be Prepared!

The other day a friend was talking about a reality show she watched regularly about crimes. “Why do you watch that?”I asked. Her response was because she wanted to know about the criminal’s actions so she could be prepared. It started me to think about being prepared. We prepare for so many things each day. We prepare for work, prepare grocery lists, prepare lunches for our children, but my thoughts were about the important things we need to prepare for and often neglect.

Be Prepared for Each Day

Ephesians 6:13, MSG, “Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own.”

Ephesians 6 warns us to put on the full armor of God to stand against the tricks of the devil. We are to be prepared for each day. When difficult things in life happen, we can be assured that we are not alone and are protected by God and stand in Him rather than retreat in fear and discouragement. We are also reminded to pray at all times in the Spirit and stay alert. God will strengthen you in everything when you are prepared to face the day.

Be Prepared for Worship

Hebrews 10:24-25, MSG, “Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshipping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.”

According to scripture, we are to love one another and gather together in His name since we know the Day of His coming is near. Sundays are the day we worship God and gather to edify and show love to one another. We prepare for this day by getting dressed, planning lunch and making sure everyone is prepared to go. We go through the motions of being in church so often leaving church with the same heart condition as we had when we arrived. Did you prepare for worship? Did you attend church expecting to see God work in your midst? Did you take a few moments of your time to seek to be kind and show love to others? Do you sometimes feel church is a waste of time?

Be Prepared by Asking

John 16:23-24, MSG, “Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I’ve revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he’ll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks.”

Perhaps if we took the time during the week to prepare for worship, our experience at church will be different. Jesus tells us to ask. Spend time preparing for the worship service by praying for God to work in your church. Pray for the lost in the congregation. Pray that God will show you that person that needs a word of encouragement and kindness from you. Pray for the pastor and music leader that the words they speak and songs sung are the will of God. Be prepared – go prepared – then go expecting.

Be Prepared for His Coming

Matthew 3:3b, MSG, “Prepare for God’s arrival! Make the road smooth and straight.”

Jesus will return in the twinkling of an eye. We are to have endurance and not give up. The word endurance means the capacity to continue to bear up under difficult circumstances. We are to be prepared for His coming. Being prepared means walking the path Jesus has laid out for us. Keeping a close relationship with Jesus. Loving one another. Keeping our eyes on Jesus.

There are many things in life we need to be prepared for, but our priority should be the things of God. Prepare for each day by putting on God’s armor, prepare for Sunday worship by praying for God to work in our hearts and lives and prepare for His coming by keeping the faith and following the path of righteousness.

Come Let Us Bow Down –Maranatha Promise Keeper Band

Paula Wallace

Additional Readings:

Prepare our Hearts

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About Paula Wallace

A child of God, wife, mother and grandmother of 6 precious children. I love art, nature and treasure my dear friends. Through the valleys and mountaintops, God led me to His saving grace at the age of 32. Since then the valleys and mountaintops have proven His love to me. I am learning to trust Him in all things. My prayer is that you, too, accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and trust Him. The Bible verse that I lean on mostly is Proverbs 3: 5-6 “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.”NKJV Paula Wallace

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