Luke 8:50 Fear Not Delays

Luke 8:50  “But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, Fear not:  believe only, and she shall be whole.”  (KJV)

Jairus’ daughter is DEAD.  Gone.  Silenced.  Jesus is too late–deterred by another in need.  Jairus never misses synagogue.  We call it being “at church.”  He is a leader in the synagogue:   An elder, a deacon, a trustee.  He is a loving and devoted father to this his only child.  So much so, he has bowed to this Nazarene.  But, this woman who deterred Jesus has not seen the inside of a worship service in twelve, count them: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 years!  And who cares what the excuse is?  Like bullets from a machine gun these thoughts ricochet off Jairus’ mind as he hears the words, “She is dead.”

Jesus reads the thoughts scrolling across the ticker tape of his grimaced forehead,  feels the rupture of Jairus’ heart breaking, understands the frustration of being detained, and MEETS him WHERE HE IS:  the point of desperation turned resignation and grief.

Jesus speaks tenderly,  “Fear not.”  FINALLY!  Jesus says it for Himself.  Not an angel.  Not Moses.  Not Joshua.  Not Isaiah.  Not Jeremiah.  Not David.  JESUS!

Then, He says, “believe only.”  This is all that is required.  Believe and she will LIVE.  Belief the conduit through which miracles flow.  In fact, Jesus cleaned out the clogged pipeline by kicking out ALL who laughed, scoffed, and doubted!  He then led Jairus to his daughter’s bed, took the hand of the daughter of Jairus lying ashen, cold, and lifeless and spoke renewed life into her!

“Thanksgiving precedes the miracle,” but will thanks overcome skepticism?  Thankfulness refocuses our attention to all God has given but, if we doubt,  will He work on our behalf or is the channel of blessing totally occluded?   Makes me wonder how many times I’ve plugged my own or another’s pipeline?   Should Jesus have kicked me out of His way so He could bless and bring new life to another?  Sobering questions.

Jesus only asked Jairus for one thing.  BELIEVE.

Do you need a miracle?  Clear out the doubts and the doubters.  Thank the Father for all He has done and will do, then, wait on the LORD.  Will you get the miracle you seek?  Only God has the answer to this question.  His ways are not our ways and He is not a genie in a bottle granting us our three wishes just as we demand.

When the officer and gentleman was fighting for healing from cancer, he truly believed God for healing and today He is with the LORD fully healed but this was not the healing we sought.  The reality of Jairus’ daughter’s restoration of life just minutes after death; the reality of Lazarus restoration of life after four days in the grave; and the restoration of the life of the widow’s son on his last procession to the cemetery is this:  They all died again.  If, my officer and gentleman had been restored at some point he would have had to face death again.    If I could sit down and have dinner with any Biblical character it would be Lazarus.  I want to know what he was thinking when Jesus called him back?  Did he come out asking, “What on earth are you doing?  I was FINE where I was! Do I not get a vote in whether I want to come back or not?  You want me to go through that again?  Ok, tell me again, WHY?”  (that would be me, just sayin’)   Or did Lazarus thank Jesus for using his life to teach a lesson and prove who Jesus is?  Was he thankful to have a chance to live fully for Christ?  I got some questions!!!  (My apologies to English majors!)

These characters: Jairus’ daughter, Lazarus, the widow’s son were instruments in the hands of God to introduce the world to Jesus, His ministry, His power, His life giving redemption.  All Jesus asked of the others was to BELIEVE.  Jairus believed.  Mary and Martha believed.  The widow believed.  In the face of no hope, they believed in the only One who could offer hope.  When they believed they had no guarantees.  It is not a formula.  It is the sovereign will of Almighty God.

As I write this, so many are hurting, facing death, praying for healing. or preparing to bury those they love.  Jesus still says to our broken hearts:  Believe.  Believe not just that He can but that He will.  As long as we are breathing and even after the last breath is taken HE is our HOPE!  For of this we who are in Christ can be sure:  we will ALL RISE!

All Rise by Babbi Mason  (if you don’t get chills with this one—–!)

In Loving Memory of Cody Webb and in Honor of the Senior Class of



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About Yvonne Jones

I am at heart, a LIFEguard: "big" sister, mama, grandmother, aunt, friend, swimming coach, lifeguard trainer, and registered nurse. I am in the business of alleviating fear through education and lots of hand holding. As a swimming instructor, I have taught people of all ages to overcome fear of the water and I marvel as fear gives way to fearlessness, as panic turns to pure joy, as tears dissolve into giggles of glee, and pennies retrieved from the bottom of the abyss become trophies. As a nurse, I have been privileged to walk up to Heaven's gate as patients and family are welcomed home, witnessed the miracle of birth, helped mend broken hearts, and cared for the elderly as they wait. Scriptures number one admonition is "fear not." Question is HOW??? The Word becomes our swimming instructor and can help us learn to "tread water til Jesus comes." Something my students often thought I was going to make them do! So welcome to my pool! Jump in the cool water. Let it refresh your soul and feel the unseen hands of the Master Lifeguard lift you up and out of the deep water. Who knows, you just might even walk on water!

One thought on “Luke 8:50 Fear Not Delays

  1. Beth Brown

    Lord, help me believe in my every prayer!!
    I thank You for miracles in my life!! Thankful for Cody’s impact on others and for his family’s passion to share Jesus with others.
    Awesome lesson , Von. Bless you!


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